The Beliefs of John Robert Stevens


Regarding the many theories behind Christian eschatology (doctrines concerning the end times), John Robert Stevens was quick to point out Jesus’ words that no man knows the day or the hour of Christ’s return (Matthew 24:36). Stevens believed that the Scriptures do not reveal a set chronology for the end times, as much as they focus on the need for the believer to be prepared (I Thessalonians 5:1-6). The tribulations upon the earth are not to be the focus, but instead the spiritual preparation necessary to be preserved blameless unto the coming of the Lord (I Thessalonians 5:23).

Stevens believed that an accurate reading of the New Testament did not confirm the doctrine of the rapture. What has been incorrectly identified as the rapture is actually scripturally referred to as the “first resurrection,” found in Revelation 20:5-6. The theory which states that believers will escape the tribulation is a modern one, and looking back historically, there have been many Christians who have suffered through tribulations. To presume that God will change this reality in the end times is a difficult argument to make.

In Stevens’ view of eschatology, our preparation for Christ’s coming is far more important than quibbling over the technicalities of the chronological events. “…if believers were in tune with the times and seasons, instead of worrying about the problems they see in the world, they could break into the greatest outpouring of the Spirit that has ever occurred.” 1


1. Stevens, John Robert: “We’re Preparing for It”, This Week, June 1, 1980, p. 10: Copyright © 1980 by The Living Word. *

The term end times appears 1,017 times in Stevens’ written materials.
The term last days appears 204 times in Stevens’ written materials.